Creative Genius: Sophie Taeuber-Arp
Sophie Taeber-Arp show at the MoMA in February 2022 was an amazing experience. Prior to my visit I had known very little about Taeber-Arp. When I walked into the show my heartrate immediately spead up, my lips moved upward into a broad smile and I experienced instant joy. I connected with Sophie!
Taeuber-Arp’s choice of colors, shapes and mediums brought about instant happiness to my entire being. Good art does that to me. Her work is not limited to one form of medium or format. Using vivid colors and geometric shapes she expressed herself in a wide range of art forms. Sophie started out as a textile designer but did not limit herself. She made puppets, designed interior spaces, created stain-glass windows, painted and collaged and her jewlery is absolutely gorgeous.
In 1922 she wrote: “Only when we go into ourselves and attempt to be entirely true to ourselves will we succeed in making things of value, living things, and in this way help to develop a new style that is fitting to us”. By going inward and connecting with ourselves we can express and create communication that others can truely relate to and identify with.
I connected with Sopie Taeuber-Arp’s work on a visceral level.
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