The story behind “Dazu”
Were you curious about the origin of the name “Dazu Creative?” Let us enlighten you!
Dazu gehören is a German phrase which essentially means to belong to something without losing your singular identity. You are part of a team, an entity, but your individual personality doesn’t just blend into the background. You keep the boundaries of who you intact and yet, you are able to connect with others and to create something beautiful together.
You are able to bring your individual strengths to the table, and others are as well. Through the diversity of everyone’s strengths a team is created. The team, the group, the entity, can go further than the individual can go alone.
As the old proverb says, “If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together.”
We believe that when you become part of a team even your weaknesses become strengths. When you are part of a community, you are able to build off of each other’s shared experiences. You can create something more meaningful than you would be able to alone.
Dazu is the idea of people coming and working together who have different strengths, and can create something greater together than they would be able to on their own.
The beauty is in the chemistry of the process of blending a variety of unique life experiences and perspectives into something tangible.
Dazu is alchemy. Let’s create some magic!

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